About Me

I am not a housewife.  If the Lord allowed... I would be in a heartbeat!  I am a Christ follower.  Jesus saved me at the young age of 6.  I wanted the snack (communion) that everyone else got when they passed the plate at church.  When my mom wouldn't let me have it, I wanted to know more.  I had the attitude of "What does it take to get the snack?  Oh, that's it and I get to go to heaven?  Sign me up!" I believe with my whole heart that Jesus saved me on that day.  When I was 14 I rededicated my life to serving Jesus, and here I am today.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Sorry ladies--but I have the best husband in the world.  I am a teacher.  My husband and I have a dog named Paco.  One day (far in the future) we will have children.  We are in a really cool young married small group.  All of my friends are either getting married or having babies. 

In the Spring of 2012, I decided it would be a good idea for me to get a sewing machine.  I am not sure why I thought that would be a good idea, I didn't know the first thing about sewing.  To be honest, when the sewing machine came in the mail and I opened it, I was disappointed that the needle wasn't already in the machine and I had to google what a bobbin was.  I'm talking CLUELESS!  Everything that I have done since has either been self taught or piggy-backing off someone else's idea.  My sister-in-law has been very helpful, so has Holly in getting me started.  Who knew what interfacing was anyway?  Was it really needed?  I mean, come on!

The crafting part of me has mainly come because when we first got married, I had an entire apartment to decorate and I couldn't justify spending $50 on a cheap printed canvas at Target.  Thus the "Do-it-yourself" came about.  I like knowing that I had a hand in the nice things we have.  Now, don't get me wrong...if there is something that I come across that I like, I will buy it.  But most of the time, I think to myself "I like that, but I would change this or that and I could have fun doing it."  And now that we are in a house, I can't help it.  It's too much fun!

I don't do anything "by the book."   Hey, no one ever gave me that book anyway... and I'm dyslexic.  I can guarantee that you will find spelling and grammar errors in my blogs. If you don't, I probably didn't write it.  I hope that doesn't sway you from reading anyway.  I tell my students that you are suppose to know what I mean, not what I say.  Same thing goes for you!

I think that about sums me up.  If I missed anything... feel free to leave a comment!

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